Image above of diatomaceous earth being added to mineral mixture in ceramic bowl during Toothfaerie production
Diatomaceous Earth*
Organicially and sustainably harvested from the Himalayas in India.
Diatomaceous earth – also known as D.E. clay, diatomite – is a naturally occurring, soft, siliceous sedimentary rock that is easily crumbled into a fine white to off-white powder. It has a particle size ranging from less than 3 μm to more than 1 mm, but typically 10 to 200 μm.
Our supplier DiatomPure® Human, purest available Codex Grade is made from the finest Diatomaceous Earth, which are the fossilised remains of microscopic shells created by plants called Diatoms. Our Diatomaceous Earth is sourced from the purest fresh water, is food grade, eco-friendly and organic.
Certified Organic and food grade
Safest source of Diatomaceous Earth
Nil Arsenic
Nil Lead
By using diatomaceous earth in our recipe it creates a smooth and light abrasive.
With geometric structure of its particles, it cuts through the exoskeleton of pathogenic (disease causing) bacteria, which are positively charged. The diatoms are negatively charged, the same beneficial charge that nature has, and is felt when we take a walk in the woods, it has a calming effect on our minds and bodies. By diatoms action, it increases the existence of good bacteria, which is also negatively charged, and minimises bacteria that is (positively charged) less beneficial and lowers its chance of building up plaque and toxins in the body.
Diatoms algae structure in image below
Figure 1: DE CLAY and DE deposit near freshwater
Xylitol is a alcohol sugar extracted from birch tree sap.
Our supplier is from a sustainable company called TotalSweet.
They are committed committed to giving back to the environment and have helped plant over 50,000 trees to date, through the organisation Trees For The Future.
The xylitol used comes from sustainably sourced European birch and beech wood, non-gmo.
Not suitable for dogs.
Xylitol has been shown to create an alkaline environment in the mouth, which helps counter the damaging effects of acid from other foods. Xylitol may also inhibit cavities by denying plaque - causing bacteria the fuel (sugar) it needs to erode tooth enamel. Research has shown that this results in a reduction of up to 60% of cavities.
Studies show that the environment created by xylitol appears to be favourable for the absorption of calcium and other minerals in the mouth. This means that your teeth can take up more of the building blocks that they need to stay strong and healthy. Teeth are naturally porous and glycerine, common found in toothpastes (not including Toothfaerie) prevents teeth from absorbing minerals and re-mineralising, by creating a layer of fat (glycerine) over the teeth. Some feel this film after brushing the teeth compared with Toothfaerie, where you will feel no film or strange fat layer over the teeth. The enamel, which is the outer layer of the teeth, absorbs the minerals through the enamel pores.
Distilled Water
All water that has 0.00 PPM (parts per million) is the purest water. The closer water is to 0.00PPM the easier it is to be absorbed and utilised by the body. Inorganic minerals such as calcium and heavy metals are commonly found in our water supply. When water containing these type of minerals enters the body, the body cannot absorb them because the particles are too large and bioavailability is zero. The body uses large amounts of energy to process (separate inorganic minerals from water) and eliminate them. More energy is used to process the minerals than the water. Once toxins are removed via the liver and once the minerals are separated from the water through the kidneys, the body can then absorb the water into the blood stream without the risk of the water containing too little or too much of any bioavailable mineral. Bioavailable minerals come from plants and proteins. Plants are the only life form which can turn inorganic minerals from rock, into bioavailable minerals so we mammals can absorb them.
Coconut water hydrates the body faster than water due to its ability to have a balanced ratio of organic minerals, salts and same pH as the blood wheres water generally contains minerals and has too much of these inorganic minerals which are not soluble in the blood and would kills a person if used in an drip. Unlike mineral water, distilled water and coconut water can be directly injected into the blood.
Organic minerals are also found in distilled waters such as fruit juices and tree sap. These organic minerals are useful to the body for creating energy but have much higher levels and uneven ratios (imbalances) in mineral content.
Distilling water is the process of collecting steamed water which removes all inorganic minerals, metals and impurities as they are too heavy to be carried up along with steam when it rises. A second filtration system is the activated charcoal which ensures pesticides and residues are removed from the condensed steam.
When distilled water is absorbed into the body, it cleans blood and organs, whilst hydrating all cells.
Distilled water is similar to coconut water. Just like filling a car battery when distilled water is added there are no elements (minerals) disturbing the electrical current flow from travelling through the water. Inorganic minerals within water, slows down the flow of energy.
Our bodies are quite similar to a battery, they are electrical vessels, and also magnetic. After fresh water is distilled we do not leave it to stand more than 12 hours. This ensures that the water does not absorb many elements from the air. Distilled water is very absorbant but not as absorbant as activated charcoal.
Our distilled water is treated with EM ceramic pearls which has a large impact on water quality that you can taste. It retrieves the positive energy and information found in natural water through a wide variety of water-soothing and health-promoting microorganisms, such as yeast, lactic acid, bacteria, and photosynthetic bacteria strains which have positive effects on your body. Japanese Professor Dr. Teruo Higa calls these mixtures EM (Effective Microorganisms). Once pearls are placed into water, it activates them. They are sourced from local and native microorganisms that live in soil and water and this maximises their natural power. These micro-organisms are incorporated in a special clay mixture, which is baked at high temperatures and emit beneficial information to the water, bringing it back to life which you can feel and taste.
Our distilled water is treated with EM ceramic pearls which has a large impact on water quality that you can taste. It retrieves the positive energy and information found in natural water through a wide variety of water-soothing and health-promoting microorganisms, such as yeast, lactic acid, bacteria, and photosynthetic bacteria strains which have positive effects on your body. Japanese Professor Dr. Teruo Higa calls these mixtures EM (Effective Microorganisms). Once pearls are placed into water, it activates them. They are sourced from local and native microorganisms that live in soil and water and this maximises their natural power. These micro-organisms are incorporated in a special clay mixture, which is baked at high temperatures and emit beneficial information to the water, bringing it back to life which you can feel and taste.
Manufactured by EMRO Japan and supplied by Water-wise.
The wooden instruments we use in manufacturing are cleaned using hardwood charcoal filtered water which ensures no harmful chemicals are absorbed into the porous wooden stirrers and ceramic porcelain bowls.
Distilled water absorbs all that surrounds it. We only use distilled water that is distilled and collected in high grade steel, glass, clean wood, non-glaze ceramic porcelain and copper containers. This keeps the water strictly in contact with only pure and beneficial materials.
Organic apple cider vinegar is diluted and used to clean and disinfect our utensils and distillers after use.
Calcium Carbonate
Our supplier is Heilotropfen based in United Kingdom.
Made in Italy.
Made in Italy.
Pharmacutical grade, purer than food grade, and edible.
Calcium Carbonate is a basic calcium supplement that contains one of the highest concentrations of elemental calcium (about 40%).
This is a dietary supplement made in Italy and distributed through the United Kingdom.
Free of additives, gluten, soy, sugar, dairy, yeast and come from a non-coral source.
It is pure limestone.
Enamel is the hardest substance in the human body and contains the highest percentage of minerals, 96%, with water and organic material composing the rest. The primary mineral is hydroxyapatite, which is a crystalline calcium phosphate.
We get a lot of calcium and phosphate in our food. Yet it is also possible to absorb this substance through gums by way of food, and not only through our large intestines, which is the common perception.
Normal processed sugars assist bacteria to create plaques. This plaque damages and weakens the enamel. Citrus foods also weaken the enamel by breaking it down. Citric acid dissolves calcium.
Cold Pressed Extra virgin Olive oil*^
Soul of Crete, our supplier are based in Ireland and owned by a Greek man who sources this oil directly from Crete. This oil is a little hard to come by and perhaps the best olive oil one could source, in the world. It comes in sealed tin containers so no oxidation takes place within the container. Once opened we pour the oil into amber glass bottles for storage safe from any further oxidization
From the oldest olive farm in Portugal
100% pure with the highest level of oleic acid in any existing olive. It boasts amazing health benefits and will keep the skin of the gums healthy and supple, also acting as the perfect oil - pulling oil for pulling off plaque and harmful bacteria
Enriched with omegas 3, 6 and 9, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, anti-cancer and anti-allergy properties
Magnesium Chloride Oil*
Considered the most important mineral in the body, after oxygen, water and basic food, it may be the most important element needed by our bodies. The 11th most abundant element by mass in the human body; its ions are essential to all living cells, they play a major role in manipulating the most vital biological compounds such as DNA, RNA, ATP (energy) DHEA for hormonal balance.
We source our magnesium oil food supplement from Ancient Purity, based Sussex, United Kingdom.
This magnesium chloride has a high concentration of 31%, with other trace minerals. It is supplied in blue glass bottles. This is in its purest form, extracted directly from the Ancient Zechstein seabed.
§ The formation of magnesium chloride from the Ancient Zechstein Sea is over 250 million years old
§ Zechstein magnesium chloride deposits are drawn up from approximately 2 miles beneath the surface of the earth
§ The Ancient Zechstein Sea is located in the Northern part of Europe, in the European Permian Basin, extending from the eastern coast of England to Northern Poland.
§ The Ancient Zechstein Sea has been kept unadulterated from modern contaminants for the past 250 million years due to deep subterranean isolation
§ Zechstein magnesium salts are directly extracted from the earth by a process known as solution mining. Solution mining brings together the best of both worlds. This advanced technique makes it possible to reach magnesium chloride deposits hundreds and even thousands of metres below the Earth’s surface with the proper equipment. While they’re being mined, the salts from the Ancient Zechstein Seabed undergo numerous processes including water injection, pressure, dissolution, precipitation and more. The end result of all these processes is magnesium chloride, also known as Bischofite or magnesium oil, in which nearly all of the impurities including gypsum, halite, sylvite, potassium and others are naturally removed.
§ The magnesium salts, or magnesium chloride, that’s mined from deep beneath the Zechstein Sea is far superior to other currently available magnesium salts derived from above ground contaminated water sources. It is believed by many medical professionals to be capable of restoring magnesium levels in the cells of the body through transdermal use. When cells are normalized in this way, many people report positive health benefits such as a decrease in muscle and joint pain, promotion of healthy skin tissue, improved mood, and less stress.
Picture of magnesium chloride in it's bottle - used as an ingredient in every batch
We use magnesium oil in every batch of Toothfaerie. Each spray of Magnesium Oil contains approximately 18 milligrams of elemental magnesium. 90 milligrams per 5000 millilitres of toothpaste, which is very powerful. If we put in any more it would irritate the gums and soft tissues of the mouth.
Minerals like magnesium in ionic liquid form are superior to pill forms.
Much more magnesium will get absorbed transdermally through the gums. This is a form of 'Transdermal Magnesium Therapy'.
Magnesium Benefits
Magnesium chloride is a naturally occurring compound that's composed of one magnesium and two chloride ions. It's usually extracted from places with high salt content, like the Great Salt Lake and the Dead Sea.
Magnesium chloride supplement contains only 12 percent elemental magnesium, which may seem low compared to other forms of this mineral, such as magnesium oxide and magnesium citrate. However, it's actually better absorbed by the body than some of the other magnesium supplements because of its low stability constant, which allows it to be completely ionized across a wide range of pH levels. Its formula also gives it the capability to help improve hydrochloric acid production in the stomach.
Magnesium chloride is also believed to help fight free radicals and prevent a variety of illnesses, including tumors, arteriosclerosis, prostate problems, intestinal disorders and kidney stones.
The Magic of the Calcium - Magnesium relationship
There is antagonism as well as cooperation between calcium and magnesium. About half the total body magnesium is found in bones and the other half is inside the cells of tissues and organs. Only one percent is in the blood, and the kidneys keep this level constant by excreting more or less with the urine. In contrast, 99 percent of calcium is in the bones, and there it is in the fluid outside of cells. Muscles contract when calcium moves into the cells, and they relax when calcium is again pumped out and magnesium moves in. This cellular pump requires much energy to pump calcium out, and if cells are low in energy then calcium may accumulate inside cells. This then leads to only partial relaxation of the muscles, with stiffness, frequent cramps and poor blood and lymph circulation. The problem gets worse, the more that calcium moves from bones into soft tissue. Nerve cells can also accumulate calcium, leading to faulty nerve transmission. In the lens, excess calcium causes cataracts. Hormonal output keeps reducing as endocrine glands increasingly calcify and all other cells become handicapped in their normal functions. In addition, this excess calcium causes intra cellular magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is needed to activate countless enzymes, and a deficiency leads to inefficient and blocked energy production. A further problem is that excess calcium damages the cell membrane and makes it difficult for nutrients to move in and for wastes to move out. When the intra cellular calcium level gets too high, the cell will die. This shows the importance of boron as a regulator of cell membranes, especially in regard to movements of calcium and magnesium. With boron deficiency, too much calcium moves into the cell while magnesium cannot displace it.
While in good health and especially in younger years, a calcium–magnesium ratio of 2:1 is normal and is supplied with a good diet; but with increasing age, boron deficiency and resulting diseases, we need progressively less calcium and more magnesium. Ample magnesium is required.
Sangre De Grado, aka "Dragon's Blood"
100% pure liquid sap Certified organic and food grade
'Dragon's blood' is the sap of the Crotus lechleri tree which grows in South America.
(Image below)
Sap from the tree is taken twice during its life. Once when the tree is around 10 years old. Cuts are made in the bark and the sap is caught in buckets. Not too much is taken so the tree can recover. This is done during the rainy season. When the tree is at the end of its life cycle at around 15 years the sap is harvested again.
Sangre de Drago / Grado sap is ethically and sustainably sourced in its raw liquid form from Rio Napo Provence in Equador, South America through our supplier Waking Herbs. Waking herbs plant more trees than they harvest. They have an office and distribution centre in The Netherlands. They are based in Ecuador where they are guardians of some lands they purchased, and now work with the Quechua tribes with the local communities to bring back native rainforest and natural fauna / flora in this area. Protecting and Nurturing.
It is organic, edible and extracted from a type of red latex tree found throughout the Amazon.
No trees are cut down to harvest Sanger de Drago sap.
The sap is sustainably harvested by making diagonal cuts on the bark of the tree and collected, ensuring the wounds of the tree are small enough not to damage the tree. In this way the tree is given enough time to heal before sap is harvested from it again.
Throughout much of the Amazon rainforest, Dragon’s blood, called Sangre de Grado, is the primary topical aid for just about anything bad that can happen to skin. Cuts, bites, burns, stings, rashes, abrasions, sores, and wounds and skin insults of all kinds benefit from application of the healing red latex of this tree.
Dragon’s blood contains a broad range of naturally-occurring compounds, many of which have been well studied. The sap is rich in protective antioxidant phenols, and anti-inflammatory compounds of various kinds. Due to these compounds, Dragon’s blood sap helps to protect the cells of the skin, and reduces redness and swelling. It also contains a group of compounds called proanthocyanidins, which actually repair collagen, the lattice-like main protein that makes up much of our tissues. Additionally, Dragon’s blood contains taspine, a known tissue-healing agent. The sap also demonstrates antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity. This is why Dragon’s blood is so widely used on infectious skin conditions of all kinds with great success.
When the red sap is rubbed onto skin, it forms a thin cream-colored layer, like a very fine additional skin membrane.
If the sap of Dragon’s blood is harvested sustainably, and if the sap is used in an amount sufficient enough to legitimately benefit skin, plus if the people who do the hard work of tapping Dragon’s blood trees in the Amazon can earn a decent wage, then everybody in the system benefits. We have a remarkable healing agent in Dragon’s blood sap that totally exceeds in benefit to the skin any synthetic ingredient. This is just one example of how rainforest products can help to keep some acreage intact due to the economic benefits of sustainable harvesting. Instead of cutting down the forest for timber, the forest can be managed better intact, and can yield greater profits through trade in medicinal plants, fruits, and oil-bearing nuts and seeds. And with Dragon’s blood, you also derive an even more elusive and sought-after effect – enhanced beauty.
Sangre De Grado's powerful actionsare..
Allergic reactions, anesthetic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, bleeding, blood cleanser, blood thinner, cancer, chemotherapy side effects reduction, chest pain, diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage), dysentery (intestinal inflammation), eczema (skin disorder), fever, fractures, gum disease, infection, hemorrhage, hemorrhoids, insect bites, irritable bowel syndrome, itching, laryngitis, menstrual irregularities, neurasthenia (fatigue, weakness, and memory loss), oral ulcers (mouth ulcers), pain, postpartum hemorrhage, respiratory disorders, respiratory infections, rheumatism, skin cancer, skin conditions, skin infections, stomach problems, toothache, trauma, ulcerative colitis, ulcers, vaginal discharge, vaginal infections, vaginitis, wound healing.
Sangre De Grado is known to reverse the symptoms of receding gums as it repairs collagen and tightens the gum tissue.
Essential Oils*
Peppermint Oil*
We source our peppermint essential oil from Kotanical based in Ireland who grow, extract from the leaves and steam distill the oil in copper distillation containers with traditional methods. They deliver the oil inner copper lined bottles with outer aluminium bodies.
Spearmint Oil*
The Spearmint (mentha spicata) essential oil we use is sourced from the flowering tops of the plant and supplied through from NHR Organic Oils based in United Kingdom.
We receive the oils in glass bottles. These are kept in refrigeration to keep fresh.
Cinnamon Leaf Oil*
The Cinnamon leaf essential oil (Cinnamomum serum) is grown and extracted in Indonesia. It is supplied by NHR Organic oils.
We receive the oils in glass bottles. These are kept in refrigeration to keep fresh.
Cinnamon Leaf is much lighter than cinnamon bark oil and can be used diluted, on children age 2+ years old and during pregnancy. Our cinnamon leaf has the highest antioxidant among all the essential oils. It acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory and calming agent.
Many people who dislike the taste of cinnamon (bark mainly used in toothpastes) very much enjoy the taste of our Cinnamon Leaf & Spearmint flavour.
Orange oil*
Citrus Sinensis essential oil is extracted from the peel of sweet oranges grown in Mexico and Italy and supplied through NHR Organic oils. Stored in refrigeration. Orange oil is rich and yet very calming when used on children and adults. It stabilizes tendencies towards anxiety and helps to calm hyperactivity in children.
Petitgrain Oil (bitter orange)*
The Petitgrain essential oil (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) is grown and extracted from the twigs and leaves of the bitter orange tree in Egypt / Paraguay and supplied through NHR Organic Oils. Oil is extracted from twigs and leaves. These are kept in refrigeration to keep fresh. Petitgrain has a earthy and yet citrusy flavour.
Activated Coconut Charcoal
Food grade charcoal powder (Ultra Fine) made from non-GM coconut shells grown in India. It can be taken internally or used to make charcoal poultices, facial masks and skin cleansers. A favourite as there is virtually no grit, velvety smooth when mixed with water. It is great when added to our toothpaste recipe. We tried to source organic but availability is not there yet.
Food-grade charcoals are designed to be ingested, or are used in blood filtering devices scub as liver and kidney dialysis units. This USP food-grade, activated charcoal is made from 100% natural coconut shells. This ensures you get to enjoy all the wonderful health benefits without worry of artificial additives or preservatives.
From painful ear infections to dreaded recluse spider bites, the testimonies of the wonderful uses of charcoal will astound you. Its an inexpensive alternative remedy for many different ailments. The poison control centres recommend having activated charcoal in every home in order to prepare for an accidental poisoning or drug overdose.
Activate charcoal is made by first turning a hard wood like bamboo or coconut shells into charcoal. To activate it, it is then placed in a kiln at a high temperature. This causes the tiny particles of charcoal to become very porous. This porosity then allows the charcoal to physically absorb and lock in all types of poisons, toxins, odours, plaque from teeth, and others particles, while not disrupting natural systems of nature or bodily functions. It can be used as a detoxification agent, drug overdoses, treating poisonings, bowel diseases, heartburn, indigestion, and other unpleasant health issues. Externally, it can be used to treat insect bites, rashes, and open wounds, an is an effective eye wash and skin purifier. From treating colic in babies to diabetic ulcers in seniors, the uses of activated charcoal span all ages. From birth, it will ease the discomfort of ear infections and colic, and abrasions as a child grows. Best of all you are using one of the safest natural remedies available.
I'm 15 years old. I was born with HIV my mother passed away because of the HIV infection And I regret why i never met Dr Itua he could have cured my mum for me because as a single mother it was very hard for my mother I came across Dr itua healing words online about how he cure different disease in different races diseases like HIV/Aids Herpes,Parkison,Asthma,Autism,Copd,Epilepsy,Shingles,Cold Sore,Infertility, Chronic Fatigues Syndrome, Lupus Cure,Fibromyalgia,Love Spell,Prostate Cancer,Lung Cancer,Glaucoma.,psoriasis,Cirrhosis of Liver, Cataracts,Macular degeneration, Chrons disease,Infectious mononucleosis.,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,psoriasis,Bipolar Disorder,Dementia.,Tach Disease,Breast Cancer,Blood Cancer,Colo-Rectal Cancer,Love Spell,Chronic Diarrhea,Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Scoliosis,Stroke,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone ToxicitySyndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresSclerosis,Weak Erection,Breast Enlargment,Penis Enlargment,Hpv,measles, tetanus, whooping cough, tuberculosis, polio and diphtheria)Diabetes Hepatitis even Cancer I was so excited but frighten at same time because I haven't come across such thing article online then I contacted Dr Itua on Mail . I also chat with him on what's app +2348149277967 he tells me how it works then I tell him I want to proceed I paid him so swiftly Colorado post office I receive my herbal medicine within 4/5 working days he gave me guild lines to follow and here am I living healthy again can imagine how god use men to manifest his works am I writing in all articles online to spread the god work of Dr Itua Herbal Medicine,He's a Great Man.
ReplyDeleteHello, good information, we would like to recommend the Dragons Blood - Ethically Harvested ready to use, So that everyone can benefit from this incredible Croton Lechleri sap produced and ethically sourced for agriculture please share with others …